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Vigilante (Book 2): Into the Fray Page 6
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Eight riders set out to visit each community in America to coordinate regional town hall meetings about the upcoming stance against Stanton, the phony President of the U.S.A.
Each rider had a given number of times and dates so two meetings could not be scheduled at the same time.
Corporal Stewart arrived at the homestead of Jordan Daniels, the leader of The Widow’s Sons Masonic Motorcycle Club. He explained the situation with the phony President. Jordan’s wife fed Stewart lunch before sending him on his rounds.
“Myra,” said Jordan, “I’m going to ride over to Defiance and find out how we can help. America is our home and country now. We must stand with our friends and neighbors in this desperate time.
“Do you mind if I go with you? I’d like to see if there is any volunteer work I can do to help out.”
Jordan smiled and said, “Of course, let’s go first thing in the morning. I’ve got a few bushels of corn someone may need, or maybe make a trade.
America was quickly abuzz with the talk of war. Nowhere was their talk of surrender.
13 September 1000
1st Sqdn Conference Room
“Good morning, my friends,” said Ben. “Before we begin I would like to introduce my new assistants for this mission;David Butler, and Art Long. Following the meeting, please introduce yourself and take a few minutes to get to know them both.
Captain Pickett, were you able to get the riders off this morning?”
“Yes sir, they departed Fort P at 0700. I’ll get back to you as soon as I learn anything.”
I’ve also identified one hundred men to go to Lejeune to act as a general detail and to get the LAV IIIs running.”
Ben went around the table asking for questions and input.
I also have some good news from our Skunkworks Department. This morning Adan told me that he could get the diesel Semis running, but no electronics, so it’ll be pretty much engine and lights. Unfortunately, the batteries were shot, so he’ll get someone to Walmart to pick up some new ones.
Now, I don’t know squat about diesels, but Adan told me that since there are no spark plugs in a diesel engine, he’s hopeful that new batteries will provide the pressure in the cylinders to force combustion. He says, if that doesn’t work we can push them to start. To stop the engine, he’ll add a clamp to the fuel line to shut off the fuel. Since glow plugs have no electronic circuits and run off the battery, they are fine. He equated them to a car cigarette lighter.
He also said that he would have working transistorized radios for us in the next couple of weeks. The downside will be the range, so we’ll have to establish relay stations all along the way to West Virginia.”
This news caused a bit of excitement around the table as this information was huge concerning prepositioning of equipment, and communication is a huge combat multiplier.
Ben spent another twenty minutes ensuring everyone knew their part of this operation down to supplying the work details. The missions of the new assistants ran the gambit from working logistic snags to detail assignments.
“Gentlemen, I anticipate movement to Lejeune five days hence. I’ll get more detailed info to you by tomorrow. Leon, please get your trans requirements to me nlt 1700 tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir will do.”
“Good deal, now we’ll hold off on loading our trucks until we see what we can get from the Lejeune armories and motor pools. Please be prepared to provide lots of details to do the heavy lifting requirements that will fall on our troopers once we begin prepping for our first deployment to the Bunker. I would like to get the first run completed while the weather is still cooperative. Winter quarters will be local hotels, as available. Please, everyone, be flexible, every requirement placed upon your shoulders is necessary.
Now, that we know what is expected of us, and the general movement schedule, if there are no further questions, let’s go to lunch, and blow this popcorn stand.”
13 September 1000
Defiance, America
Roberto (Robby) Diaz walked over to the radio section of the Inventor’s Madhouse nicknamed the Skunkworks and said to Adan, “My friend, we have four Semis outside, I can certainly get them running. The biggest concern I have is with the fuel pump. All four of these rigs have electronic fuel pumps (efp), and all are dead. I must replace the efp with a mechanical fuel pump. I have also decided to just disconnect the wiring for the efp. I do not see why we should go into the fuel tank to retrieve the old pump. Do you agree?”
Adan thought for a second before saying, “Yes, I am in agreement. The pump is dead and disconnected, so just install a new mechanical pump. Will you have to make adaptations to house the pump?”
“Oh yes, but it is a simple matter and should take more than an hour, at most, for each one. The problem is, we don’t have any mechanical pumps. I need to take a couple of my guys to the parts store and stock up on them. When may I go?”
“Yes, we need to do it quickly. Let me run over to see Ben to get an escort for you.”
Robby thanked Adan and went back to work disconnecting the electronic fuel pumps.
Adan walked over to Ben’s office and found him working on shipping schedules.
“Adan, Hello, please come in. What can I do for you?”
Adan sat down and told Ben of his need of security for the parts mission.
Ben assured him that he would get a fire team and be ready to depart within an hour. “I’ll send the NCOIC over to see you shortly.
Say, Adan, aren’t you going to be needing lots of parts as we go on? Sorry, silly question, of course, you will. Let me get my assistant, Art Long to put together a plan to move the parts store over here. We’ll have to put up a large pole building to house the parts, but, well, let me think about it a bit. I’m not exactly sure how we’ll get it done, but I can definitely see that we need to make it happen.”
Adan thanked Ben and made his way back to the Skunkworks. He found Robby and told him to be ready to move out in an hour and to find a couple of his mechanics to go along to help.
President Bassett walked over to visit with Levi and was shown into his office. Once the door was closed, Levi said, “Ralph, I know we were right to try to build this new nation, but sometimes I wish we had just stayed a little village of a hundred people.”
“I know old friend, I know. I think that same thing every day. Still, we did the right thing. So, other than feeling sorry for ourselves, have you heard the latest on getting some semis running?”
“No, I haven't heard anything, but I did see a few being dragged in. Will Adan’s magic make ‘em run?”
Ralph chuckled and said, “Silly boy, it’s Adan and his Skunkworks. Of course, he’ll get them running. Oh, by the way, why does he call it the Skunkworks? Do you know?”
Levi laughed and said, “Why yes, I do. The term Skunkworks came out of Lockheed Martin back in WW II, but the term comes from Li’l Abner’s skonk works. You see, the Lockheed boys were put in a giant circus tent right next to a plastics company. They thought it smelled like a skunk. By definition, it means a loosely structured group who research and develop projects, for the sake of radical innovation. That suits Adan Ramos to a Tee, does it not?”
Ralph laughed and agreed that the term was perfect for the likes of Adan and his gang of genius’.
“Adan also tells me that he will have a sufficient number of working radios to create a network chain to have commo from here to the Bunker.”
“Wow!” said Levi, “Aren’t you just a fount of good tidings this day.” Becoming more somber, Levi told Ralph that this battle would be bloody and that he hoped that the enemy forces fought to the last man, though he didn’t think that was likely.
“So, my friend, what do we do with the prisoners, not just military prisoners, but the Congress and their Staff?” asked Levi.
“Levi that is a subject we are going to have to think about long and ha
rd. I surely do wish I had a solid answer for you. Now, if we find that there was, in fact, a coup, then we hang all who knowingly participated. Beyond that, I am at a loss.
Do you have any thoughts on the matter?”
Levi told him that other than hanging each and every one of them, no. “I know, Ralph, I know that is not the way to go. I don’t, for the most part, care how history remembers me, if at all, except that I do not want to be remembered as a mass murderer. I don’t want you remembered that way either.
On another sad note, the ROA is going to have a very small defensive force for many months. My best guess is around thirty for both here and Fort Pickett.
It’s going to be very tight. We have to have a sufficient force to do the job, and that means nearly all hands on deck. I recommend you authorize a Reserve Force as a Home Guard. We can get them trained up on defense. It will help, but I would hate for you to have to face over four hundred White Supremacists.”
A bit worried now; Ralph asked, “Is that likely to happen?”
“I won’t kid you, Ralph; it is possible if we have a warm, drier than normal winter. If the weather stays cold, then the odds diminish dramatically.”
“Oh crap, yeah, the Reserve Force is authorized. Should I assume you want me to make the announcement?”
“Yes, I do, but I want to be there with you. What say we hold a Town Hall Meeting in three days at 7:00 pm?”
Levi told the President that he liked the idea and would plan on being there.
“Oh, wait; Ralph; I just remembered, we have Town Hall Meetings all over America coming up very soon. Maybe we should wait and see what Leon comes up with, and then schedule our meeting around the outlying village schedules.”
“Yeah, that makes sense, so as soon as you get the word from Leon let’s get together.”
Then on a lighter note, Ralph asked about Katie.
“Ah Kate, now that young lady is a pistol. Ralph, she makes me very happy, but I am worried that she is thirteen going on twenty-three. The damage done to her for those awful months has stolen her childhood. I think she was disappointed that we came back to Defiance. That girl has some payback to get shet of, and I think that she may never fully recover from what happened to her if she doesn’t get a bit of Old Testament Justice. I understand how she feels because I am sitting beside her that same boat.
She excels at everything, especially at weapons and karate. She says she could kick my butt, and you know what? Yeah, I bet she could. I bet that if I looked up Tomboy in the dictionary, her picture would be there. That girl is my daughter, Ralph and as Mr. T says, I pity the fool who says she ain’t, or mistreats her. Not that I would have the chance to do anything about it since she’ll beat the crap out of whoever does try to be rough with her. Yeah, I pity that fool, too. Yep, I do love that little gal. I sometimes wonder if Sarah didn’t have something to do with our meeting.
An upside is that she has gained a few pounds, and I think she may have a crush on Darren. I like him and find them a good pair, though I’m not sure Ted Wilson likes that prospect much, but he’ll get over it.”
“Levi, my old friend, I hope you know how happy I am for you to have found Katie, and I look forward to the day when you walk her down the aisle to give her away to someone who truly deserves and loves her. Maybe you and I can retire on that day, whada’ya think?”
“Oh hell yes, I like that idea a lot, then we can just be two old friends tellin’ lies over a couple of cold rum sumthin’ or other. Yeah, that sounds good, let’s plan on it, six or seven years down the road.”
They laughed together, drank a cold Bud and reminisced about life since the lights went out as if it were years ago rather than a mere six months. For these few moments, life was good, and the livin’ was easy.
Chapter 10
The Home Guard
Word spread fast throughout America by Town Hall Meetings and then through word of mouth that the old government planned to come back. The story grew with each telling. The gossip said that as many as ten divisions of tanks had been seen gathering up in West Virginia.
Many feared what would happen if the old government returned, and none of them liked the idea.
Ultimately, everyone knew that things would not get better. What people feared most was the U.S. military. The citizens of America wanted to know if their little army could win against a seasoned force of U.S. soldiers. Yet, even with these fears, not a single family chose to leave America. Volunteers of all ages flooded into Defiance, young, old, men, and women. The consensus seemed to be, better to die as free men than live like serfs, and everyone knew those were the only options.
19 September, 1000
President’s Conference Room
This meeting had been called to discuss what to do about the wild stories rampaging throughout America concerning the return of the U.S. President. The attendees were President Bassett, Colonel Levins, Lt. Colonel Eldridge, Major Murtaugh, Captain Guyardo, and Representatives of the ten largest towns in America.
President Ralph Bassett rapped his gavel three times to begin the meeting. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to welcome each of you to Defiance. We would have preferred to have every Mayor in our Republic here today, but we just do not have sufficient space for such a large group of people.
However, our Historian, Ms. Coleen Biddle has prepared what the Founding Fathers called a Broadside. Back then a broadside was a sheet of paper with information for the public. They would tack it to a tree, or a bulletin board. I think we will use bulletin boards,” This brought a polite chuckle among the gathering.
This broadside will be posted in every community of more than fifty people. Unfortunately, as we have no printing press, the information must be hand written. Yes, it is a big, boring job. Volunteers from Defiance will make the copies and both Troop B, and the Widow’s Sons will distribute them among the settlements not represented here today.
Speaking of the Widow’s Sons; I want it known that these are good people who just like to ride motorcycles. They have proven to be an asset to America, and I would appreciate it if you would pass this word along, so people can just get over their motorcycle phobia. Are there any questions about them before we get started with the main agenda?”
One Mayor spoke up and asked, “Okay, I think we can all get past the biker thing, but why do they call themselves The Widow’s Sons?”
Ralph smiled and said, “The Widow’s Son is a reference to a portion of their Masonic history. It’s just a name, and has no sinister meaning.”
Another Mayor said, “Masons; ain’t they Devil worshippin’ folk that hate Christians?”
Now Ralph did not smile as he responded, “Sir, Free Masonry is no such thing. The Society is made up of God Fearing Men who swear allegiance to God, and He is in whom they place their trust. There is nothing in Free Masonry that is not in our Bible. I ask you; please do not spread such untrue stories.”
The Mayor said, “Thank you, sir, for straightening us out on that. I know I feel much better, but how is it that you know so much about them folks? Ain’t they a secret bunch?”
Colonel Levins asked to speak and said, “Sir, do you trust and believe in our President?”
Around the table, a chorus of yes’s spontaneously arose.
“Well, how about me? Do you believe that I have the best interests of America in my actions?”
Again the group demonstrated agreement.
“I want each of you to know that both the President and I appreciate your trust and friendship. You should also know that both the President and I are Free Masons. I certainly hope that our acceptance of The Widow’s Sons makes you feel more at ease.”
The Mayor of Tarboro spoke up and said, “I am also a Mason.”
The first Mayor to speak said, “Gentlemen, I’m sure I speak for everyone here in thanking you for helping us understand. I, for one, think that if you three are Masons, maybe I might like t
o become one sometime.”
Ralph, again smiling, said, “It may be awhile before a local Lodge is chartered, but we’ll let everyone know when that happens. Now that we have that issue settled let’s move on to the meeting agenda.
Item number one on our agenda deals with the Home Guard while the predominance of our military is engaged in a life or death struggle for our fledgling Republic.
Colonel Levins, would you please provide your thoughts on the Home Guard?”
Levi remained seated as he said, “My friends, we are faced with a dilemma which will decide whether we live as free men, or as serfs. Personally, I choose to live free. I have no intention of allowing anyone, civilian or military to take my weapons, leaving me helpless against criminals who certainly will not casually hand over the one thing that gives them power over others.
If the government of the U.S. is allowed to regain power, we will no longer live in the comparative safety of our America. Therefore the only answer to this is to resist, to fight and win, and win we will.
We have a tremendous advantage over the Bunker. They want out, and we do not intend to let them out. I am supremely confident that with our superior firepower, and secured positions blocking egress from the Bunker, they cannot win.
I must tell you that what gives me the most concern and stomach acid is the reduction of our Defense Forces throughout our little ROA. Therefore we must raise a Reserve Force to take up the slack. I am also pleased to report that we have had hundreds of volunteers, most of whom have prior military service. These men and women will be trained primarily in defensive tactics. We will also train these fine men and women volunteers in the use of modern weapons, i.e. the M4A1 Infantry rifle, Squad Automatic Weapons, automatic grenade launchers, mortars, and the use of traps and landmines.