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Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice
Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice Read online
The Pale Horse
Book three of
Apocalyptic Justice
Cliff Deane
Books by Cliff Deane
Vigilante: Into the Darkness
Book one
Apocalyptic Justice
Vigilante: Into the Fray
Book two
A Post Apocalyptic Series
Vigilante: The Pale Horse
Book three
Apocalyptic Justice
Books by A J Newman and Cliff Deane
Virus: Strain of Islam
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Vigilante: The Pale Horse
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as much as I enjoyed writing it.
If you have not read book 1 and 2 of the
Vigilante Series
Vigilante: Into the Darkness
Vigilante: Into the Fray
Please stop right here and read them first.
Please check out my friend, Mr. AJ Newman.
His apocalyptic thrillers always give a great ride.
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I would also like to thank my faithful Medical Alert Dog Katie Deane for never finding complaint with my musings. She sleeps curled in my arm as I type.
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Copyright © 2017 Cliff Deane. All rights reserved.
This book is a work of fiction. All events, characters, and most place names are all purely from this author’s imagination. Places used are for geographic reference only to fit my fictitious events.
A Few Notes to My Readers
The science behind the premise of this book is accurate.
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Vigilante: The Pale Horse
Book three of
Apocalyptic Justice
By Cliff Deane
A vigilante is a civilian or organization acting in a law enforcement capacity
without legal authority.
This book is dedicated to the memory of those killed or wounded in the Manchester, England terrorist attacks, and to the city of Manchester, as a whole.
You Brits are a tough and hardy people, and I am proud to say that my heritage comes from Great Briton.
May God bless you, and keep you safe. Go Manchester United…
Chapter 1
Looking Back
1 April Year aught one (01)
Defiance, ROA,
Sitting in his office, General Levins looked back on the past year with both nostalgia and a sense of accomplishment in the growth of the ROA. The new nation seemed to be secure, at least by current world standards. Nearly every day outlying areas sent legations to request admittance into the new Republic.
Crimes, within the borders of the ROA, were nearly non-existent, and those that did occur were mostly all petty in nature and committed by teenagers coming of age. These youngsters were turned over to the families and were dealt with by dad.
Inside the ROA frontier, which now stretched nearly one hundred miles from the center of Defiance life existed in safety, but beyond that border, another world existed; a world of anarchy, danger, and death to anyone not willing to fight for their right to exist in peace.
Life inside the borders of the ROA was what one made of it. Success in business was readily available for anyone willing to put in the long hours and hard work to make their dream a going concern. Most people, however, just liked the simple life of working for wages and raising a family.
The new Coin of the Realm, the Patriot Dollar had gone into distribution. This single move had greatly increased the wealth of the ROA. New businesses were springing up in every settlement.
But for all the good things happening in the ROA, the number one for Levi was finding Katie. She was sometimes the bane of his existence, and always the daughterly love of his life.
Levi saved her from three meth-heads who were about to do unspeakable things to this scrawny thirteen-year-old wildcat. Within hours they were bonded for life as father and daughter. Kate had an iron will; she was tenacious, tough, a true sniper, unyieldingly loyal to Levi, and had a bottomless well of love for her new dad.
Now, a year had come and gone following the CME; diseases had run wild outside of the ROA, but the strict adherence to boiling water and proper sanitation had kept those diseases at bay throughout Defiance.
Levi’s agreed upon year was up, and he knew it was time to move on. He no longer felt the need for revenge. Sarah had been the prime mover in quelling his need to seek the path of vengeance. Four months ago Sarah had come to him for the last time, telling Levi that he must move on in his life and that she was very happy that he had lost his desire for vengeance, and now would seek justice. Levi wondered on many occasions if there was an iota of difference between the two.
Sarah had kissed him in his dream and the time for goodbye had all too quickly come and gone. He shed his last tears for Sarah as she faded from his vision, but not from his soul.
The idea of sitting in a rocking chair and playing checkers in retirement was not on Levi’s bucket list, at least not yet. He knew that there were people all across this land who needed help in ridding their communities of the criminal anarchy that now called the shots outside of the Republic of America.
Levi, Gus, and the kids decided to take a 1975 Ford Ranger F-100, four wheel drive 3/4 ton pickup, along with Levi’s Jeep and see what lay outside of Defiance via the road less traveled.
Ralph, Scott and the Sgt Major were furious and wanted to, at least attach a squad of trooper volunteers, of which there were many, to accompany Levi’s little band. The idea of them aimlessly wandering around the countryside, especially this close to D.C. seemed utterly crazy to them.
Levi smiled and reminded his dearest friends that they would be leaving on 10 April.
Scott and the Sgt Major decided to send a two-man team to follow and save their asses when they found the trouble they were apparently looking for, “Danged fools, shit,” repeated Scott.
The two trooper volunteers chosen for the job were SSgt Tim Carter and Sgt Kevin Simms. They were supplied, in addition to personal equipment, a Jeep and trailer, four weeks of rations, cold weather gear, side arms, extra ammunition and a Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW).
Both Carter and Simms knew that General Levins would discover, and confront them fairly quickly. They also knew that Levi would order them to go back. For them, however, returning was not an option as Colonel Eldridge ordered them not to return until General Levins, and party returned home...Yep, rock and a hard place.
The days leading up to 10 April and Levi’s departure went without incident. Levi backed off all command controls, deferring
those decisions to Scott.
10 April 0830
Dining Facility,
Defiance, ROA
“Levi,” asked Scott as he ran his fingers through his short sandy blonde hair, “are you sure this is something you want to do? It just seems like you are making such a reckless decision to go off courting trouble.”
Levi smiled as he placed his right hand on Scott’s shoulder and said, “That is the second time you’ve called me Levi. I like it.”
As they walked out of the Dining Hall, they walked to one of the benches on the Village Green and sat down to talk.
“The decision was not mine alone, I spoke with my little band of hunter-gatherers, and none were willing to be left behind, so yeah, I’m sure this is something I want, no make that, need to do.
Scott, we have a radio set, and I promise to keep you informed as to our adventures. Colonel, let me make something clear to you, take care of the Republic of America.” Levi’s eyes hardened and his brow furrowed as he said, “It may be the only hope to avoid a thousand year Dark Age.”
Levi gestured with his hands as he said, “My friend, you must never forget the lesson of the Roman Empire; three generations after they collapsed, they were forgotten for a thousand years. During this time men lived in horrible conditions, and western civilization’s rebirth meant starting from scratch.
Scott, Train hard to win easy. Aw, hell, I don’t need to tell you this, you and Bradley Cobb are the two best soldiers I have ever met, and with whom I have had the privilege of service. I am very proud of both of you.
You twice asked if I thought you were ready for the mission I assigned to you, so without your asking, I am telling you, you are ready. You need me around here like a boar hog needs tits.”
Levi, seeing President Ralph Bassett and Sgt. Major Bradley Cobb coming toward them placed his hands on his thighs and began to stand, with Scott following his lead.
“Oh, one final thing, Bradley, please ask Leon to take good care of Scar and Tugboat. I guess that’s about it,” and Levi grabbed both Scott and the Sgt Major in hugs, before turning to President Ralph Bassett. Ralph, ya’ old curmudgeon, it has been one hell of a ride, and I am so happy that you asked me to be a part of it. The two men embraced one last time, as Ralph said, “Levi, should I play the, I’m in trouble, and you promised to help me card?” Both men laughed heartily, but through this false levity, there was an underlining sadness in saying goodbye.
The hug between Levi and Ralph had just a touch more meaning as both were thinking of March 29th, the day they met and began to forge a new nation.
As they exited the Village Green, Levi was taken aback when he saw the entire Defiance contingent, along with the horse cavalry troopers of the 1st Cavalry Regiment, in formation standing strictly at attention. Off to the sides several yards from the formation the entire town of Defiance, and every citizen of the Republic of America that could be there, were there. They cheered as the four men approached the formation. Levi waved to them, then turned to Ralph and said, “Oh, crap, I’ll never get through this without making a danged fool of myself. Damn you, Ralph, you know I’m just an old softie, but thank you, my dear friend.”
First Sergeant Tomas Torre stood ramrod straight, facing Levi, who walked to within three steps of Tomas. The 1st Sgt saluted sharply and said, “General Levins, the 1st Cavalry Regiment wishes to say goodbye, and would like to hear some parting words, sir.”
Levi returned the salute, even though he was dressed in civilian clothes. “Thank you, 1st Sergeant, I am most honored,” said Levi in a faltering voice.
Tomas winked and whispered, “Thank you, sir, now the formation is yours. He then performed a parade ground right face and placed himself to the left and slightly behind Levi.
As Levi looked out at the formation, standing at attention and shouted, “Stand, at ease.”
His eye began picking out certain faces; faces that had been there from that very first day, and it made him feel old. Each man of that first militia stood proudly in their own formation, centered and slightly separated on their left and right.
“Oh, my, this is going to be very hard for me to get through without you wonderful Troopers of the ROA, 1ST Cavalry Regiment discovering what a wuss I really am,” said Levi as he struggled to keep his emotional gyroscope spinning.
“I guess I will begin by reminiscing a bit. On 29 March, of last year I think it was 29 March, I met Ralph Bassett who convinced me to join a small enclave of preppers who just wanted to ride out the horrors they knew were coming.
Wow, on that day we formed Troop A of the Defiance Militia and the very first member of that Troop is your Command Sergeant Major, Bradley Cobb, a soldier with whom I have been so blessed to serve. He led the mission to secure a Walmart Superstore, Home Depot, and several other stores, all in one day.
I remember an old man coming up to me at the Walmart who said, “You know son, if you are wrong, it’ll go bad for ya’. He then said that he would try to be on the jury at my trial and asked God to bless me.
Our intervention, on that day, our militia prevented these businesses from being looted, and as a result, we were able to dispense much-needed supplies in a fair and equitable manner throughout our little community which resulted in the preservation of many lives.
Yes, God did bless me in many ways on that day, and probably led a young man to me who was the Walmart Store Manager. He told me he had been a sergeant in the 75th Ranger Battalion in Berzerkistan, and that he would like to join our little band of miscreants.” This brought a chuckle from the formation as all forty members of the original militia who had been there on that day stood a bit taller in the formation.
After the chuckles had ended, Levi said, “That young man is now Colonel Scott Eldridge, one of the finest soldiers I have ever known.
Men,” Levi’s voice began to break as he said, “I am reminded of the very first formal formation of our forty man militia, wearing brand new Iraqi uniforms, and now to see this incredible sight.” Levi’s throat became so tight that he could not speak for several seconds, and when he was able to resume there were tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Most of the formation had eyes in a similar condition.
“I am so honored to have served with you, and I must tell you that not a one of you has ever disappointed me in any way. I am so proud of what you have accomplished, and I want you to know that I will miss each and every one of you.
May God Bless and Protect the Republic of America. I leave you with this thought; you; each one of you, is the extension of God’s plan to use the ROA as his tool to give humanity one more chance to get it right.”
At that moment there were many tears shed among these men who had, not only the courage but the iron will to stave off the New Dark Age spreading across the world and protect their flock.” None of these men could fully express exactly why they took on the role of the Sheepdog; they only knew that they must follow that path, even if it meant their life to do so.
“First Sergeant,” shouted Colonel Levins.
Levi returned the formation to the control of the 1st Sergeant and as Levi turned to walk away. He heard, “All right, get him!”
The entire formation rushed Levi and raised him above their heads on a sea of 1st Cavalry Troopers, shouting Oooh-Rah. After a couple of minutes of being carried above these men, Levi now truly understood how Caesar felt upon his triumphant return from Africa, and the voice of that same slave whispered in Levi’s ear, Master, all glory is fleeting.
It was a wonderful experience and one that Levi would forever treasure.
As the troopers lowered their newly promoted General Levins to the ground, they returned to their formation and stood strictly at attention as Levi and company mounted their vehicles and passed out of sight.
Chapter 2
Deep Creek
10 April 1130
St John’s Township
Once out of D
efiance the group stopped to eat lunch at the crossroads of St. John’s Township, and Poplar Neck Road which leads to Edonton. Gus walked up to Levi and slapped him on the back and said, “Wow! What a sendoff. You okay?”
Levi looked at Gus and answered, “Yeah, it surely was a Wow sendoff, and for just those few moments, as I was being hoisted above the troops, I was Caesar parading through Rome when that little voice in my ear reminded me that all glory is fleeting, so yeah, wow.”
Changing the subject, Levi pointed to the disassembled road block and said; “Now that is a wonderful sight to see, here we are, twenty miles from Defiance and no road blocks. Yes, a beautiful sight on a beautiful day. Tell me, Gus, do you think the ROA will make it; in the long run, I mean?”
Gus became solemn and said, “Old buddy, I sure hope so, but I’d guess their chances are a bit less than 50/50. There are so many unscrupulous men becoming Warlords out there who might become powerful enough to defeat your 1st Cav, that is, of course, if the ROA gets complacent and decides they cannot afford to keep a well trained standing army.
Oh, I don’t think it will happen during Ralph’s tenure anyway, but, say ten years down the road, aw, hell, I don’t know.”
“My friend, I have those same dark thoughts. Damn, but I hope they can pull it off,” lamented Levi.