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Vigilante (Book 2): Into the Fray Page 9

  Scott, Ben, and Guy were very happy to have met no opposition, so far. Scott thought that not even the worst of the bad boys were crazy enough to assault the combat power of this convoy.

  Scott took his jeep and two security troopers to the closest Radio Relay Station and reported to Sukhoi 6 that all was well with Big Bird, and the expectation was to arrive late on 29 September. The only real concern was the short distance the convoy must traverse the Interstate.

  The troops were elated to have fourteen hours to recuperate from the uncomfortably bouncing ride. One trooper said he felt like he had spent the day in a running laundry dryer.

  To once again demonstrate how efficient Major Smith was; he had had barf bags placed in each IFV. Many of them were put to good use. The following day many troopers decided to ride on top of the supplies on the trucks. The ride was no better, but they were out of the dryer and in the fresh air.

  The short haul on the Interstate was an absolute nightmare. Dead vehicles and thousands of scattered human bones littered the highway. Everyone was happy to leave the Interstate and to be back on the far less congested secondary roads.


  29 September 1600

  Outside of the Bunker

  White Sulphur Springs, WV

  The convoy was led into the parking area which was designated by the Advanced Party who had arrived three days earlier to recon the area and establish the bivouac sites. The Field Kitchen personnel were thrilled when they discovered that they could use two deserted Hotel restaurants.

  The men were directed to their designated blocking positions around the Bunker. They immediately manned the exits from the Bunker. The Advanced Party had even managed to fill sufficient sandbags for the troops guarding the interior Bunker exit.

  As the positions were being manned, and tents erected, the Officers and Platoon Sergeants did a visual inspection of each exit. Things were looking up until they began inspecting the Bunker’s vehicle exit.

  They quickly noticed that there were black marks made by tracked vehicles using rubber pads on the concrete driveway, and they were fresh. The consensus was that since it had rained on the twenty-eighth, the marks could be no more than one day old, at the most. There was also no question that these were exit marks. If the tracks were from vehicles entering the Bunker, the skid marks would have shown the heaviest black coloration going downhill. The black marks were definitely oriented upslope on the driveways severe ten-degree downward slope.

  Lt. Colonel Eldridge asked the NCOIC of the Advanced Party (AP) about the tracks. The sergeant told him that the Advanced Party had been surveying the area well away from the Greenbrier today. He believed they must have left that morning as they were working close by on the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth.

  The Forward Tactical Operations Center (FTOC) also held the communications station.

  “Sukhoi 6, Big Bird 6; over.”

  “Bird 6; Sukhoi 6, go ahead, over.”

  “Sukhoi 6; the boys on bikes have left home. It appears they left this morning.”

  “Bird; do you have eyes on them, over.”

  “Negative Sukhoi, we have no idea of their location, except that they are not here.”

  “Bird 6, Sukhoi 6; What is your plan? Over.”

  “Sukhoi 6, Bird 6; I plan to put out patrols to find them, over.”

  “Roger that, Bird 6; Keep us informed; anything else? Over.”

  “Negative over.”

  “Big Bird 6, Sukhoi 6; Roger change eight out.”

  “First Sergeant,” shouted Lt. Colonel Eldridge.

  “Yes sir,” said the 1st Sgt who was standing right behind Scott.

  “Oh, good, there you are. Top, get blacked out jeep patrols on each road out of here. My guess is that they are going east toward D.C.

  Get a detail to start a mine field around the Motor Pool. Put out extra guards, and Listening Posts.

  All right, everyone sleeps with their boots on tonight. Questions?”

  “No questions sir. Jeep patrols, minefield around Motor Pool, extra guards, and LPs.”

  “Good man, Top, get ‘er done.”

  “Roger that, sir,” and the 1st Sgt left the tent calling for his NCOs.


  30 September 0200


  The Bunker, WV

  The senior commanders were awakened at 0200 hours, and upon entering the Forward Tactical Operations Center, they were informed that scout one had discovered the position of the Mech Battalion. They were fifteen miles north on Two Lick Trail, headed for D.C.

  Lt. Colonel E said, “Now that is some good news. First Sergeant, get a detail together of twenty men, and two LAV IIIs. Make one of the LAVs a Javelin missile carrier. I want an ambush along that road five miles from this spot. Lay a hasty minefield one hundred yards forward of the ambush site. Make it one hundred feet wide on each side of the road and ten mines deep.

  Ben, please notify Sukhoi 6 of the situation and our ambush. Then, put Lt. Silva in charge. He has potential and a good, experienced NCO to make sure the ambush comes out right.

  Top, I want that ambush operational by 0600, Roger?”

  “Roger that, sir, I’ll get right on it,” and turning he called to Sergeant Jones to find Lt. Silva and Sergeant Carter.”

  As if in response to the 1st Sergeants call, the sound of muffled machine gun fire erupted from within the Greenbrier Hotel.

  “Big Bird 6, Eagle 5, over.”

  “5, 6, sitrep over.”

  “Roger 6, At 0210 the wall began to open, and when an armed party, estimated at squad size appeared, we opened fire. Several hostiles hit, one dead, one wounded prisoner on our side of the door. Upon opening fire, the door closed immediately. Oh, the men were wearing black uniforms.”

  “Eagle 5, Bird 6, Roger, will send prisoner recovery team ASAP, good job Trooper. Have you spoken to the prisoner? Over.”

  “Bird 6, Eagle 5, negative, he is unconscious. Over.”

  “5, 6, Good, maintain total silence and do not speak a word to him or anyone. Bird 6, out.”

  Scott looked at Ben and said, “Well, old buddy, my guess is, now, they know we are here. Let’s find those cameras and put their eyes out.

  Top, since everyone is now awake, go ahead and detail a couple of burly troopers to take the wounded hostile to the aid station. Remind them to remain absolutely silent; they are not to not speak a single word; and please get that word to Doc Tom. I’ll meet them there.”

  “Yes sir, I’m on it.”

  Ben asked, “Why the silent treatment?”

  “It’s possible he has a commo set on him, and I don’t want anyone in the Bunker to know who we are. If they can see us, these uniforms will have them wondering who has invaded the U.S. Any confusion in the enemy ranks is always a good thing.

  “I like it; I like it. That is a good solid American plan. I think I’ll tag along to see this black uniformed prisoner of ours.”


  30 September 0220

  ROA Aid Station

  The Bunker, WV

  Scott and Gus arrived before the prisoner, and as they waited, Scott explained why there was to be no talking.

  The unconscious prisoner was carried in and placed on an examination table. As Doc Tom tended to the head wound which took off his left ear and cracked his skull, the prisoner began to return to consciousness. He slowly looked around the silent room and managed to ask, “Who are you? What country …” The prisoner passed out again before he could finish his question.

  At this point, Scott and Ben began going through the man’s equipment, and sure enough, there was a small radio transmitter and a body camera. Upon inspection, Ben demonstrated how to turn it off.

  After the 1st Sergeant had left to take the gear to the FTOC, Ben said, “There, that should do it. A further search of the prisoner revealed nothing, no identification card, nothing. His hair was a just slightly long for an American soldier, but that could have been the result of reduced discipline f
rom being cooped up in the Bunker for so long.

  Scott finally said, “Ben, everything says U.S. soldier, except for the black uniform. Look, here at the tag that should say, U.S. ARMY, it has Constellation instead. What the hell is that about?”

  “Constellation? Oh, shit, these men are not U.S. soldiers, they are contracted mercenary muscle. They were formed back in the 90s, but the company was called Black Knights back then.

  There was some shoot first then ask questions trouble in Iraq, and four contractors went to prison for shooting unarmed civilians.

  The company then reorganized and became Alchemy Ltd. Alchemy is the company that Obama hired back in the early two thousands to build an Executive Branch Army. The soldiers are all ex-military. They tend to be quite good and quite trigger happy.

  All in all, I’d say this is good news for us. Our troopers will know they are not fighting former comrades. It will also make the mercs more intent on shooting it out, rather than surrendering.”

  At that moment, Dr. Tom said, “Shit, he’s gone.”

  Both officers turned to the table and saw the Doctor covering the head of the wounded mercenary.

  “Doc,” asked Scott, what happened? I thought you had him stabilized.”

  Doc Tom came over to them and said, “The trauma of the wound to the skull was not what killed him. It was the swelling of the brain from the impact. Without access to proper equipment, I just did not have enough time to relieve the pressure.”

  “Thank you, Tom; we know you did your best. Hell, I don’t think the Mayo Clinic would have had the time to save him.”

  Turning to the two men who brought the prisoner in Ben said, “Lay both bodies out by the FTOC on plastic and cover them.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As Ben and Scott walked back to the Tactical Operations Center, Ben said, “Sir, if we really want them to fight to the last man, we may have quite an opportunity here to both make them mad as hell, and shoot a ration of fear up their asses.”

  Scott smiled and said, “I like the plan so far, but you are a bit short on details. Come on, what’s on your mind?”

  “Okay, let’s brainstorm this idea; after we have blinded the Bunker by covering the cameras, what do you think of hanging both bodies. We can make it look like they were hung, instead of killed by combat wounds. Then we reconnect the wires for, oh, say, ten minutes; long enough for the Bunker folks to see the swinging bodies.

  Hanging the bodies will, as sure as God made little green apples piss the contractors off and scare the crap out of Clanton.

  The fear will naturally increase when they realize we are cratering the entrances. The warfighters won’t panic, but the government pukes will.”

  Scott said, “Yes, I like it. Let’s run it by Sukhoi 6 and get his thoughts.”

  “Sukhoi 6, Bigbird 6, over.”

  Bigbird 6, Sukhoi 6, go ahead over.”

  Ben explained his plan to put some fear in the hearts of the Bunker boys. He also told Levi that the gray uniforms have also injected some confusion into their ranks.”

  “All right, I’m in. Hang ‘em high.”

  “Sukhoi 6, we may need the remaining LAV IIIs. With the Mechies running around loose, I’d like more firepower. The road is now clear; a rush up could be here in ten to fifteen hours.

  We have an ambush set up, should they return to the Bunker, but we don’t have enough to stop a battalion. Over.”

  “Roger Bird, they’ll be on the move ASAP. Out.”

  Scott turned to Ben and said, “Well, if we can keep them away for fifteen hours we may be able to hold our own. They’ll still outnumber us four to one in Light Attack Vehicles, but that will not be enough to defeat an entrenched and determined defense.

  If they just give us fifteen hours, we may be able to end this sooner than anticipated.”

  Ben said, “Sir, I think you should consider adding two more LAV IIIs, one a Javelin thrower, and one 30 mm to the ambush site.”

  “Good thinking Ben, do it.”


  30 September 0220

  Bunker Communications Room

  The Bunker, WV

  There was no panic among the mercs, but Clanton was nearly apoplectic. He demanded something be done. Recall General Hughes immediately.

  “Wolf, this is Den Mother. Over.”

  “Roger Den, what’s shakin’? over”

  “Wolf, we are under attack. A recon patrol was dispatched through the inner door. They immediately came under heavy automatic weapons fire. We have seven dead and two MIAs.

  Thor wants you to return immediately…Yeah, I know; don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m just the messenger.”


  “No, I don’t think I will tell him that. I’ll leave that to you. Roger out.”

  The Duty Officer (DO) made some notes and upon arriving at the President’s quarters, knocked on the door.

  One of President Clanton’s security detail opened the door and admitted the D.O.

  “Well,” screamed President Clanton, holding a large Scotch, “is he on the way?”

  “Sir the General wishes me to tell you that he will begin a reconnaissance in force back here at first light.”

  Clanton screamed, spilling his drink, “FIRST LIGHT? I told him to return now!”

  “Yes sir, but the General knows full well that we are safe here in the Bunker, and he does not wish to stumble into an ambush in the darkness. He asked me to tell you that he has everything under control and for us to just sit tight while he finds out what we are up against.”

  “Well, all right,” said a somewhat mollified Clanton as he poured himself another stiff drink. “I suppose that is the best course of action. Thank you, you may go.”

  As he left the President’s quarters, the Secret Service Agent winked and rolled his eyes.

  Thirty minutes later Clanton was passed out on his bed.


  30 September 0600

  ROA Ambush site

  Pocahontas Trail, WV

  The troopers completed the hasty minefield and were in a position to spring an ambush on the Black Knights should they attempt to return to the Bunker.

  If this ambush turned into a battle, it would be the first real test of the ROA 1st Cavalry. They had been in many engagements, but none against real soldiers. The troopers all felt apprehension but were confident in their ability to face the coming combat, their training, and their leaders.

  The final answer would come soon if the Black Knights tried to return to the Bunker. No; there would be no cowardice; these were men who knew their jobs. Many had seen combat in Berzerkistan.

  At 0815 hours a Humvee drove slowly up the road. Their movement was unhurried and cautious. As they approached the ambush site, the Humvee stopped and disgorged two infantrymen. The men flanked the Humvee and began walking slowly, staying just a bit ahead of the vehicle.

  Lt Silva looked at Sergeant Carter and asked, “They know we’re here. How could they know that?”

  Sergeant Carter who had seen extensive combat in the Middle East whispered, “No sir, they don’t know shit. They see a stretch of open road with a heavily wooded area ahead of them. They realize that this is a good place for an ambush, and are just being careful. These guys know their business, but, since they will be dead in a few minutes, I have ta’ say; it surely sucks to be them, today. Now just relax LT, we got this.”

  “Thanks, Sarge, when do you think we should open fire?”

  Carter looked at Silva and smiled, “As soon as the first one blows his ass up on a mine or one of them finds a mine. My guess is one of them will find a mine by stepping on it.

  Sir, let me suggest that you relax and watch the fireworks. When the 30 mm hits that Humvee, Wow, shit’s gonna’ blow straight up in the air. They still have another hundred yards to go before they enter the minefield. My guess is another twenty minutes.

  Carter was wrong, the Humvee stopped, short of the hasty minefield. The men ran back to their vehicle
and climbed back aboard. They turned around and went flying down the road back the way they came.

  Lt Silva, asked, “What the hell? Why’d they do that?”

  “Well sir, my guess is; they got a radio call to return to the main body. Those four guys should buy lottery tickets, ‘cause they are the luckiest sumbitches in America on this day.”

  “Okay, so what are supposed to do now? Just sit here?”

  “Yes, sir that is exactly what we are supposed to do.

  Lt Silva, I hope you don’t mind me sayin’, but I think you are going to make a fine officer. Most young LTs think they know shit, but in reality, they are dumb as my Aunt Tillie’s toenails.

  You, sir, are smart enough to know, you don’t know shit, and you are willing to learn from someone who has been in the suck. Yes, sir, you are gonna’ do fine.”

  Lt Silva was awestruck. These were words of high praise coming from a battle hardened Sergeant. He said, “Sergeant, I’m going to take that as a compliment. I just hope you can keep these men and me alive, then make it look like I did it,” and he laughed.

  “LT, I know you were being funny, but you got it right. It’s my job to teach you, and make the troops think you know what you’re doin’ all the time. Sergeants have been doing exactly that since the Romans probably. And I just have to say one more thing. Sir, I’m glad you are smart enough to listen and learn. You just let me help, and the boys will think you’re a reincarnated Georgie Patton.”

  “Thanks, you’ve got a deal. So, what now?”


  The two mercenaries climbed back into the Humvee. “What’s up, Tom?”

  “How the hell would I know? I got a call to return ASAP, so we return ASAP.”

  “Okay, okay, don’t get snippy at me, my friend, you need a Snicker’s Bar.


  30 September 0630

  Defiance, ROA