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Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice Page 4

  After they had cleared the hole and were far enough away, Levi started to say, “Well, well…”

  Kate cut him off at the pass and said, “Dad, do not go there. He was only being friendly.”

  “Um, hum,” snorted Levi.

  “I mean it, Dad.”

  “Okay, okay, but tell me, has Darren ever said anything about you and he, uh, uh, you know?”

  Now it was Kate’s turn to smile as she said, “Gee, Dad, no I don’t know, whatever do you mean?”

  They both chuckled, and Kate added, “No dad, Darren has not, and I am not giving him any encouragement. My heart belongs to my Daddy.”

  “You know, Katie, I’ll check on that a month from now.”

  She looked surprised and asked, “Dad, you called me Katie, instead of Kate; why?”

  Kate thought she could hear his smile as he said, “Sweetie, I guess, at just this moment I’m feeling like a dad who knows his daughter is growing up, and you know what? I like it, very much, now I’m going to get some sleep for an hour; night Kate.”


  20 April 0700

  Crew Camp

  Four miles outside of Windsor, VA

  The morning dawned bright and incredibly clear, with temps in the mid-fifties. The only sounds heard beyond the camp sounds were birds, squirrels, and a light breeze blowing the new leaves that were popping out all around them. It was the kind of morning that just made everyone happy, everyone except Kevin.

  Breakfast this morning, consisted of fried spam, reconstituted potatoes, and powdered eggs.

  Gus said that the only thing missing was Tang and biscuits. He smiled at Levi and said, “Speaking of biscuits; does anyone in camp know how to make them?”

  Levi and Gus looked directly at the four youngsters with a Cheshire cat grin.

  Kate made it plain that she had nooo clue. The scouts also had no knowledge of such miracles, but Darren finally said, “Oh, man, yeah, I know how to make them using Bisquick, so here’s the deal, if you find some Bisquick I’ll make biscuits, but I get released from all other kitchen duties, agreed?”

  The crew thought that would be a good deal, so when someone found some Bisquick, Darren would make the miracle of hot biscuits.

  Tim said that the crew should look for farms with beehives. “Wow, honey and fresh biscuits.”

  Kevin laughed and said, “Well, I guess you have volunteered to be the bee robber, right?”

  Everyone laughed, and Tim said, “I would if we can find a bee suit, but if we find an Aviary, that’s a bee yard to you cretins, oh, I didn’t mean you, sir, or Colonel Murtaugh, of course.”

  “Boys,” said Levi sternly, “I thought I told you my name is Levi. I am no longer your commanding officer.”

  Tim and Kev both began to speak, but Tim placed his hand on Kevin’s arm so he would let Tim speak.

  “Sir, if it’s all the same to you, we don’t want to call you Levi, for us that just doesn’t work. We are asking you to allow us some leeway on this. We are here because we threw a fit to make sure we were selected for this assignment. We want to be here more than anywhere else. So, there it is, sir. Can you live with that?”

  Levi started to speak, but Gus stopped him, and said, “Levi, they are right, hell, sometimes I have trouble calling you Levi. You do need to give in on this one, sir.”

  “You guys really feel that way, and you’re not just humoring a couple of old troopers, well, one trooper and a Gyrene?”

  Both men spoke at the same time saying, “Yes, sir, it is, and no sir, we are not just humoring a couple of troopers, and shame on you for saying Colonel Gus is not a trooper.”

  “Yeah! What he said,” laughed Gus.

  Levi glanced at Darren, who said, “I have never been comfortable with calling you, Levi.”

  Levi looked to Kate who held up her hand to stop him cold and said, “No, I am not getting in the middle of this. I don’t care what they call you, ‘cause I’m calling you, dad; so there!”

  And so it was settled, Levi would continue to be the commander, rather than the leader. Everyone seemed happy about the situation, even Levi. He was actually proud to have the loyalty of such men, no, make that to have the loyalty of such a crew.

  Once breakfast was cleaned up and stowed away, the scouts began their report. They told how they had captured the pickup and put down the six men on a mission to find the camp. Kevin added the part about the man with the demon tattooed on his face.

  He said, “Sir, you have to see this guy. I suspicion they are all just like him, evil and mean to the core of their very soul.

  Sir, these men need to be put down. While we watched, it was all Tim could do to keep me from opening fire on them right then and there. We saw old women wearing only their underwear, as they prepared the breakfast and cleaned up the liquor bottles.

  These animals just stood around and pissed wherever they were standing.

  Then, something even worse; a truck pulled up with several older men, also only in their underwear, and chained hand and foot. As they worked to get down from the truck bed, one of those assholes purposely tripped one of the chained old men. He went down in a dive landing on his face and right arm. His face was a mess, with blood everywhere, and we could see that the poor old guy had broken his arm. When he didn’t get up fast enough, the creep who tripped him shot him in the back of the head. Then they made some of the women carry the body to the ditch.

  Sir, I have to tell you that I want that bastard; he is mine. He has a big scar on his face, only half of an ear and a spider web tat on his neck. It is my intent to find a way to capture him alive. Please don’t ask what I plan after that, because it is not pretty. Remember; scar, half an ear, and spider web tat. If possible, I want him alive.”

  No one knew quite what to say, and the crew grew silent for several seconds before Levi said, “Kevin, I cannot promise, but if it is possible, then okay. Every one of us understands your need for primal justice. If we capture him, then he is yours, and we will not ever speak of it unless you feel the need. Is everyone agreed?”

  Yes, everyone agreed, though it wasn’t actually a vote, just more of an understanding.

  “Good, now Tim, let’s hear your thoughts on operation spider web.” Naming it broke the tension brought on by Kevin’s passion for what Levi had called primal justice. So be it…

  Tim told the crew that he thought a late night attack would be best as most would be drunk and passed out by then. He also noted that he and Kevin had seen eight men on guard.

  Levi said, “Well, that makes it a bit tougher with just the six of us. Kate, are you up for this?”

  “Sir,” said an irritated Kate, “I am up for this, and don’t you ever ask that of me again. I am a member of this crew, and during missions, I am not your little girl. I’m sorry to be so mad about that, dad, but damn it, I’m in; all the way.”

  “Okay, okay I’m sorry, I understand how you feel, but I can’t turn being your dad on and off like a light switch, but I’ll try. Now about the language young lady…”

  “Hold on, Dad, you said I had to speak like a lady in Defiance, well look around, this sure ain’t Defiance.”

  “Kate, your point is taken, but as a personal favor to your dad, please?”

  “Oh, all right, but only because I love ya’ so much,” as she turned away muttering something about old farts.

  Levi pretended not to hear. The rest of the crew tried, and failed, not to smile.

  “Sir, the guard situation is not quite as bad as it sounds because they are on duty all night long with no relief, so by 0300, they get pretty lax. Still, they are sober and armed with AK’s.

  Gus said, “Suddenly I am happier than ever that the Marine Corps went to all silenced weapons back in 2018.”

  “Okay,” said Levi, let’s plan on moving out at 2400. We’ll load up this morning, then get some rest and head ‘em up at midnight.”

  Neither Levi nor Gus were happy with the lack of a detailed plan. What they had
so far was to take out the guards from two hundred yards which would make their silenced weapons unheard from the camp site of the gang that would soon meet true, Vigilante justice.

  Once the guards were disposed of, the crew would systematically eliminate those too drunk to go inside the Motel 8 for the night. Once this was accomplished the plan got a little bit fuzzy, but the thought was that the crew would simply burn the motel down and kill whoever made it out.

  Both Levi and Gus felt the plan had merits; the missing link was getting the locals to take part in the attack. Their hope was that this would instill some self-confidence in the folk of Windsor. With help or no help these men were evil; the crew just needed to get the job done before anyone else was murdered.


  20 April 2330

  Crew Camp

  Four miles outside of Windsor, VA

  With weapons cleaned, armored and, ammo vests on, the vehicles packed up and ready to roll; the crew set out in the captured pickup truck and parked it two miles from the mission target.


  21 April, 0230

  Mission assault minus 30 minutes

  The Four HQ, Plus 300 yards

  Upon arrival, the crew saw that no one was drunk, or appeared to be high. The Leader of The Four had ordered everyone to be straight and alert.

  Looking through their weapon IR sights, the crew had no problem identifying targets. The problem was that the targets were not adhering to Levi’s plan. Though they could not hear what the man in charge was saying, there was little doubt that he was preparing a defense, and to make matters worse, it appeared that he had some idea what he was doing.

  The crew held a whispered meeting, and Levi said, “We can’t allow them to build a solid defense, so I intend to take out Elmore. When I fire, I want each of you to take out one asshole. Then we will hold fire and watch to see what they do.

  At this range, they won’t hear a thing, so one round only and make it count. Roger?”

  Everyone agreed, but Kevin said, “Sir, I have two things, the guy in charge was not Bull, and please don’t shoot my guy if you spot him. Okay?”

  Levi was disappointed to learn that Bull Elmore was not a part of the group in Windsor, and if he was not in Windsor, them he probably has more than a total of forty men.

  The crew crawled back to their positions and waited for Levi to fire. The wait was not long as Levi took the shot that entered Elmore’s chest. This created a collapsed lung and a fist-sized hole as the bullet exited out of his back.

  Everyone fired on their targets immediately, and five more fell, killing three and critically wounding two others. The crew ducked low and waited for the return fire, which came quickly. The return fire, however, was area coverage and wild. There was not one close call; The Four did not know from where the shots had come.

  Pandemonium ensued in the enemy camp as they saw their leader dead and two of their brothers screaming in pain.

  Within minutes, several women were brought out and forced to stand in what the enemy thought would be the line of fire. It was close, but not quite close enough.

  Again, the crew met, and Levi decided to take another shot at whoever seemed to be rallying the troops. He told them to try for shots leading to lingering pain and death. It was agreed to shoot for the stomach.

  Back in his covered position, Levi watched until he saw the new head guy trying to get everyone settled down. The screaming of the wounded must have grated on his nerves; Levi and crew watched as he shot his own wounded.

  Levi sighted in on his target, took a deep breath, released half, and squeezed the trigger with the pad of his forefinger until the weapon fired. Five other shots were also fired. Five men lay screaming in pain.

  The crew had gone to the well once too often as the flame of the fired shots had been spotted by several men on their perimeter line. Return fire tore into the ground, tree, and surrounding bushes. The fallen trees providing cover for Levi’s crew took several hits, but in general, the fire was not terribly effective even though the firing continued for several minutes before quiet returned to the forest.

  Levi then ordered a withdrawal to the road where they discussed a new plan. It was decided that contact would remain broken for the night and a new secure hiding place in a building would be found. In the morning contact would be made with locals to find help for the next night’s assault.

  The crew didn’t know it yet, but all of the human shields were killed from the return fire of this cruel and undisciplined enemy.


  21 April, 0730

  Abandoned building

  Bank St., Windsor, VA

  The scouts reported back to Levi; “Sir, I know this sounds crazy, but this little town is empty, I mean, we couldn’t find anyone.”

  Levi said to the crew, “I was afraid of this, but hoped I would be wrong. I think that we are going to find many such small towns deserted. I noticed as we passed the population sign for Windsor that the population was around 900 people before the event. If 90% of them died off in the first year, that would leave less than one hundred people here. With dwindling food supplies and roving gangs, the population was just wiped out.”

  “But, sir,” said Tim, “We know there were people here yesterday, and if the town is deserted, then where did they come from?”

  Levi thought for a couple of seconds and said, “My best guess is that what we have here in Windsor is a gang outpost, and the slaves we’ve seen are probably from Suffolk. It was a larger town, big enough to have more survivors and much greater food resources.

  The slaves you saw last night probably came from there.

  By now, word will have gotten back to the Mr. Big in Suffolk, and we can expect him to send reinforcements today.”

  Gus said, “Let’s see, if Tyrell was right about there only being forty members of Bull’s gang, then they are down to thirty-four.

  We need to set up an ambush along Windsor Rd. Tim, you and Kevin scout for wooded areas on each side of the road just east of the UPS building. I think that’s where I noticed the woods close to the road. The rest of us will high-tail it back to camp to gather the supplies we’ll need to whittle this gang down just to a manageable size.

  My friends, I think we may have an opportunity to excel here; if Bull has forces in Suffolk and surrounding areas, he will have a lot more than forty followers.

  If this is the case then we are in for a bit of guerilla warfare, and it may take some time to get this job done.

  Damn, I really wanted to see the cherry blossoms in DC, oh, well; the best-laid plans of mice and men, right?”

  Everyone agreed though Kevin was disappointed that he didn’t get his moment in time with Scarface.

  Gus told him not to fret; things have a way of working out. “You may get your chance yet.”

  Kevin agreed, but he didn’t really have a lot of faith that he’d meet up with that bastard again.

  The crew found the wooded sites just where Levi remembered and he reminded everyone that he knew about this place because he practiced situational awareness. Neither Tim nor Kevin let on that they also remembered the same spot.

  “Sir,” said, Tim, “I think that you and Gus should remain here as an LP while the rest of us hustle back and retrieve our gear. We can leave our packs with you and be back in two to three hours.”

  Levi and Gus agreed that the four of them could make a little better time than the two old guys. Levi said, “Yeah, I believe you may be right. Okay, Gus and I will wait here, in the rear with the gear while you young speed merchants go, and get our stuff.

  If the reinforcements arrive before you get back, we’ll have to just let them through, for now, so you’d better get a move on; just remember that they will be coming down the same road as you.”

  The four dropped everything except their body armor, individual weapon, and a basic load of ammo. One minute after receiving their orders, they were off.

  Gus looked to Levi and said, “Youth; wasted on
the wrong people; do you really think they could make better time that the two of us?.”

  Levi laughed and added, “Yeah, well I know you and I could run circles around them, but it they want to think we should put on our shawls, make some tea, and eat some Newton’s, okay. Of course, we are here watching the gear, while they do the leg work; hand me another Newton, please,” and both broke out laughing. “Yep,” said Levi, “you are absolutely right, youth is definitely wasted on the wrong people.”

  They discussed possible scenarios for a small guerilla war and decided that sniping and disabling trans assets would be the first wave.

  Gus agreed saying, “Good plan Sun Tzu, let’s ruin morale and make them walk. I like it.

  Damn, I sure hope the kids make it back before the trucks come through; with a couple of claymores and crossfire, we could make our second strike very impressive to the bad boys. It might even put just the beginnings of terror into them.

  We’ll need some prisoners and do to them what they have done to the citizens of the area and make sure that they are found.”

  “Yes, Sun Tzu was right those thousands of years ago when he wrote The Art of War around 400 BC.

  Gus, I don’t want to even think it, but you know we may suffer casualties, including our own children?”

  “Yes, and before we left Defiance, I had a long talk with Darren. He told me that while he wanted to be with me, the real reason he came along is that he has the same need to help, even a few people, even if it costs him, his life. That conversation scared the crap out of me, and, yeah, I might lose him, but I am so proud of that young man.

  What about you and Kate?”

  “Yeah, Kate; I warned her that she could be killed out here, and you know what she said? She said that she has already died several times starting with the murder of her parents in Delaware. She knows, and Gus, well, she just isn’t afraid of dying. I guess we are pretty much all in the same boat, but my heart will never be the same if she’s killed. Still, she’s better off with us, than trying to do it on her own. At least that much I know for sure.”